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Welcome to «SwissDiplomats - ZurichNetwork», one of the more recent associations in the field of Swiss Foreign Policy (founded in 2011) with the primary objective of offering a platform for former, present and future diplomats based in the «greater Zurich area». Our intention is to go beyond being a social platform, but also a source of inspiration in Swiss foreign policy. You find the field of our activities in the bylaws in the section «structure» of this website.  

In order to achieve these goals, we cooperate i.a. with sister organizations such as the «Association du Corps diplomatique Suisse» (CDS) in Berne or the «Club Diplomatique de Genève», but also with Swiss universities and private associations active in foreign relations.

In spite of the geographical reference in the name of the association, we are neither limited to Zurich nor to Switzerland. Going from «local  to  global» we have a network with distinguished members all over the world. Being an open forum for former, current and future Swiss diplomats as well as people with a keen interest in foreign relations, we organize lectures, panel discussions and other events on current topics.  

You are cordially invited to join us at our next event and become a member, if you wish to join us.

My esteemed colleagues on the Board are: Irene Flückiger Sutter (treasurer), Marcel Stutz (actuary), Beat Nobs (liaison Berne/FDFA) and Martin Dahinden.
We are delighted to have former Ambassador Carlo Jagmetti as Honorary President and Cornelio Sommaruga, former Secretary of State and former President of the ICRC, as one of the Honorary Members. Further information can be found in the section «Executive Committee».

Christoph Bubb, President
Ambassador (ret.)
Zurich, June 2021
v.l.n.r. Dr. Beat Nobs, Dr. Martin Dahinden, Irene Flückiger Sutter,
Präsident Christoph Bubb, (Johannes Matyassy fehlt noch auf dem Bild)
Update 22.07.24 / IFS

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